Monday, December 5, 2011

Sorry, Perfection is a Myth.

   The most recent book we read in English was Animal Farm. This book had many important lessons and themes in it, but I will focus on just one. The lesson that was most evident to me was that there is no perfect and completely equal society. The animals in the book were trying to create a society were power was completely balanced and no one animal was more powerful than another, but it didn't work. There will always be someone who will have to organize and run everything. Every society will be flawed in one way or another because perfection is unreachable.

Monday, November 21, 2011

My Family's Thanksgiving Traditions

I like my family's Thanksgiving traditions because they allow us to stretch out our holiday. First, we have Thanksgiving at my great-uncle's house. My grandmother and great-aunts and uncles all sit in a certain room, and my parents usually sit with my father's cousins. I usually go back and forth and visit everyone. Next, we have a fish fry that Saturday at my great-uncle Harrison's house. It's a small house and everyone's crammed in, but it's really fun. Sometimes the next day we go to my great-uncle Andrew's house, but we don't go every Thanksgiving. These series of  tradtions makes Thanksgiving a very fun holiday for my family.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Performing Arts

The part I liked most about career day was the peforming arts. We learned about her past experiences and the stories were very informative and entertaining. She told us what she liked most and how some personalities fit better with different theactrial jobs.

Sunday, November 6, 2011

My Roman Soldier Costume Project

We just finished Julius Caesar in my English class, and I had to do a project for the end of the unit. My project was a digital presentation on the types of clothes Roman soldiers would've worn. I used prezi, a site used for presentations, to add in pictures and information that I found. I only focused on one part of the Roman army in my project. By doing that, I learned that there were multiple divisions of their army. They had groups of soldiers that specialized in certain things. These groups also had their own special uniform. I also learned about the difference in uniforms as soldiers increased in rank.

Here's the link to my prezi:

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Get up.

This spiritual emphasis week was more than just words. Most of the time it doesn't really affect me very much. I take what they say and try to apply it, but I really don't go anywhere with it. This week affected me. Brent was not only straight-forward, but funny. He was different from most of our leaders. I don't know what it was, but it impacted me. Today's subject was about getting up. Are people ready to get up and drop everything to follow Christ wholeheartedly? That's what he focused on. Brent preaches in a interesting way. It's worldly, but Christian at the same time, and I think that's why it appeals to teenagers more. There's not someone up there telling you do this and don't do this or this is bad and that is good. He's not super peppy about God either to where it makes you wonder if the person is being serious or not. Brent's really been in those low places and can really tell about them. That makes it more real and impacting to me. Most teenagers are in an in-between stage. They are stuck between what they want to do and what they need to do. Since Brent's been there, it says more. I am more affected when someone talks about their past and their current life, rather than someone up there reading scripture pausing every now and then for effect expecting teenagers to appreciate what they're saying. Examples and how that scripture applies to when it was written and now coupled with worldly experiences affect me more. All of the past spiritual emphasis weeks, I've felt like it was scheduled for me to grow with God. That's what they're scheduled for I guess, but that doesn't seem like something you can schedule. Last year, when they told us to go pray by ourselves and take this time to be with God, I didn't know what to do. It's like, oh okay it's time to talk to God now. I didn't feel that this week. I felt that I was really learning and taking in things that will help me in my relationship with Jesus. I didn't feel forced to feel anything that wasn't there.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

"Pride sullies the noblest character."

In the Shakespearean tragedy play, Julius Caesar, there are many lessons to be learned from having too much pride. Pride is a very dangerous character trait to have. Pride is the reason that Julius Caesar never got to rule. It cost him his very life. He first ignored the soothsayer that told him to beware the Ides of March. Caesar also ignored Artemidorus, who was trying to warn him of the people plotting to kill him. Pride prevented Caesar from paying attention to these warnings and the result of this was death. In real life, pride can cause you to lose friends, get a certain reputation, and many other negative things. 
(The quote used for the title belongs to Claudianus)

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Biology Post 9

This biology class is different for me. I've never had to put forth so much effort to do well on tests and quizzes. I still don't do as well as I would like on those, but the bonuses we are given help a lot. For this class I have to study way before the night before the test and really learn the vocabulary. My advice to new freshmen would be to study as much as possible, not just the night before. Know the vocabulary inside and out because you will have to apply it for essay questions. And lastly come in for the reviews as often as possible because they help you out a lot with what's going to be on the test.

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Biology Post 8

The first wiki I looked at was about the Puerto Rican Boa. The boa has been going extinct since 1970 because of a popular oil it makes. The oil was mostly used for medical purposes. It is illegal to hunt the snake now, and most people don't, because more advanced medical tools have been invented and the oil is not needed as much. The next one was about Colombian White Tailed Deer. This deer has become very endangered mainly in Florida, due to many of them being hunted by its natural predators and humans. The third wiki I read was about the Mexican Bobcat. The Mexican Bobcat is becoming extinct due to land development and hunting. They are big on the market for their fur and are a threat to farmers. The fourth animal I learned about was the Barbary Serval. Its threats are similar to the Mexican Bobcat's. People hunt them for their skin, farmers are killing them, and some are captured for pet trading. The fifth wiki I read was about Newell's Townsend's Shearwater. This bird is going extinct mainly because of predators.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Biology Post 7

I was very surprised at the population compared to food differences in the different continents. I was most surprised with Asia and North America. Asia had about 9 people representing their population, but had way less food than North America, which had 2 people. I now know how blessed North America is. We need to start sharing the food more within our own country and then to other continents that are less fortunate. We have enough to feed a lot of people and make a huge difference. 

Biology Post 6

Ways to Curb Human Population Growth

  • Attempt to have fewer children
  • Plan for your family
  • Have children when mentally ready
Effects of Over-population
  • starvation
  • disease
  • pollution

Thursday, September 8, 2011

A World Made of Hunters and Huntees

I read a short story called, "The Most Dangerous Game", and we were asked a question at the end. "Do you agree that the world is made of hunters and huntees like Rainsford?" I agree, I think the world is somewhat made of hunters and huntees. There is almost always someone that is one step ahead of you. It may be a job, school, or even a sport. It is the individual's decision to decide what they want to be. Though I agree with Rainsford, I don't think the world is as strictly divided as he claims it is. I believe that Rainsford thinks this way because his whole world is hunting. If he were introduced to something else, he might think differently.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Biology Post 4

I made two mistakes on my lab report. First, I messed up on the procedure. I thought that I was supposed to list all the instructions to performing the experiment, when I was actually just supposed to list the parts that I did. My second mistake was that I forgot to add in my data table. As for using the rubric and guidelines, I would say that I did pretty well on that. I only got one score that wasn't perfect. I do have a better understanding of what I should do better the next time. 

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Biology Post 3

What makes a biome unique...
A biome is made unique by the climate and abiotic factors it houses. Not all biomes have the same characteristics and that's what makes each one unique.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

My Goals for Freshman Year

I have about five main goals to achieve this year. As for academics, I want to try to get all A's. I usually get a B ever so often in one of my harder classes, so I end up with all A's and a couple B's spread throughout the four nine weeks that divide the grading periods. I also want to develop better study skills. I tend to do well on tests, but I could have better study habits. My social goal includes getting to know those that I consider my acquaintances. My final goals are my spiritual goals. I want to read my bible more this year and set up a good schedule to make that happen. I also want to grow closer to God this year.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Biology Post 2

I think that the 24 hour peas will germinate the most. I'm thinking that peas can only germinate so much, and they will eventually get to a point where they stop. In the span of 5 days, I think the 48 hour peas will have stopped germinating or the process will have slowed down. I think the 48 hour peas will germinate the fastest, since they're the oldest.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Biology Post 1

My parents influence me most. They know what's best for me. I try to do what they say most of the time, because I know it's going to turn out better than what I plan.

Sunday, August 14, 2011

The Ol' Cookie Jar

This summer I read a book called, The Pearl, by John Steinbeck. I had to annotate the book, which included picking out symbols and themes. I thought the pearl that Kino found in the book was a symbol of temptation. It tempted everyone around it to try and steal it. The pearl also tempted Kino. The cursed pearl tempted him to keep it despite Juana's warnings and the recent bad luck they had run into since it's discovery. The pearl's temptation caused most of the grief and problems in the book. A cookie jar represents the temptation that the pearl has. Little kids are told by their mother's to not spoil their dinner by eating too much, and the cookie jar is always a little tempting.